"The TPH Impact Player Foundation is a nonprofit organization launched in 2023 to support TPH's core purpose of advancing the next generation of Impact Players - in and beyond the game - by providing scholarships and financial support to student-athletes and their families.
Your donation supports scholarships that will allow more student-athletes to pursue their dreams through commitment to athletics, academics, and community leadership. Scholarships are awarded based on athletic, academic, and leadership merit as well as financial need. 2023 is our inaugural year and we couldn't be more grateful for our partner organizations and donors who are impacting the lives of so many student-athletes."
Academic Merit scholarships will be awarded to student-athletes who have shown outstanding commitment to their academics. This is not necessarily the student with the highest GPA, but, rather, a student-athlete who has gone above and beyond to accomplish their academic goals.
Athletic Merit scholarships will be awarded to athletes who have excelled in their sport as a result of hard work, perseverance, and dedication. This student-athlete is a leader in their sport and inspires others with their dedication to athletic excellence.
Scholarships based on Financial Need will be awarded on a case-by-case basis. These awards will be given to outstanding student-athletes who need financial assistance to attend a TPH Academy.
The ideal candidate for the TK National Leadership Award is a student-athlete that is dedicated to their academic studies, exudes a tremendous amount of leadership both in their sport and in their community, and stands up for what is right. Please see below for more information on MAJ Thomas Kennedy and the scholarships given in his honor.
The Nathan Bowen Captain’s Scholarship will be awarded to student-athletes who have demonstrated leadership as captains of their sports teams. The award recognizes TPH’s founder Nathan Bowen, who continues to lead in TPH’s commitment to holistic development. Bowen was himself consistently a team captain from minor hockey up to NCAA hockey, and is especially proud of TPH’s track record of developing future captains as well. He credits his parents Dave and Gail Bowen for instilling the value of hard work and passion for serving others.
The Girls in the Game Scholarship will be awarded to female student-athletes who demonstrate a commitment to bettering themselves both in and beyond the game. This scholarship will assist in supporting and growing girls’ sports, which is an initiative that TPH is deeply committed to.
Your donation is supporting the Impact Player Foundation and its mission to provide financial assistance for student-athletes in their academic, athletic, and personal development. No goods or services were given in consideration for this contribution unless expressly noted. All gifts to the Impact Player Foundation (EIN 88-4301880), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

The TK National Leadership Award was created to honor the life and legacy of MAJ Thomas Kennedy, killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan on August 8th, 2012. Major Kennedy was a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a varsity defenseman on the Black Knight Ice Hockey team. He was a dedicated student-athlete, a cherished leader amongst his fellow soldiers, and an outspoken advocate for those who needed a helping hand. MAJ Kennedy’s legacy lives on through the recipients of this scholarship by providing financial assistance to elite student-athletes who demonstrate leadership, dedication to academic success, and a desire to train at the highest level in their sport.
Each year in April, corresponding with TK's Birthday, TPH and the Impact Player Foundation celebrate TK Day. TK Day is an annual event that seeks to honor the life and legacy of MAJ Thomas Kennedy. Each TPH Academy completes a community service project for local veterans as well as attends a national virtual event co-hosted with the Kennedy family where student-athletes learn lessons of servant leadership, community service, and dedication to living a life of humility, hard work, and kindness.
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